Bi 900 led Slit lamp
Simplified operation – high reliability
With this new slit lamp, Haag-Streit combines simplicity and reliability in a modern system which offers integrated imaging as an option.
The BI 900 is equipped with a Kepler microscope providing the default magnifications 10 × and 16 ×. With a set of optional eyepieces it can be extended to 25 × and 40 × magnification. The maximised diameter size of the ocular view ensures fatigue-free examination even on long working days.
Integrated contrast enhancing filter
A yellow barrier filter provides additional contrast for fluorescein applications.
Compact imaging solution
The optional Imaging Set provides a fully integrated compact imaging solution for the BI 900 which has been designed to simplify the image capturing process.
Ideal workflow – no distraction
Located in front of the joystick, the control panel can be operated blindly while examining the patient. It provides not only full control over the slit lamp illumination, but also a release bar for the camera, as well as simple and ergonomic management of the camera settings.
Instant fundus imaging on the slit lamp
This innovative accessory offers all users of current Haag-Streit slit lamps access to instant documentation of the retina. The impressive simplicity of the Fundus Module 300 allows integration of non-mydriatic retina imaging as part of the regular slit lamp examination. This can improve practice workflow and save both clinical and patient time.
Outstanding results
The image quality of the Fundus Module 300 exceeds by far the conventional possibilities on slit lamps – it even stands up to comparison with full-blown screening fundus cameras!
Efficient workflow
With Fundus Module 300 the basic images required for clinical documentation can be acquired directly and quickly at the slit lamp thus reducing the need for specialist technicians and equipment.
Taking the Fundus Module 300 from the cradle and putting it on the slit lamp takes only a few seconds. On the slit lamp it provides two states: a working position where it captures images of the fundus and a stand-by position where it allows normal use of the slit lamp.
Intuitive software
EyeSuite Imaging is an effective and proven software application that supports a number of Haag-Streit instruments including slit lamp imaging solutions. Images are easily captured and can be edited and displayed in this well structured system that complements daily practice.